Applications are essential. Security moves quickly. Quick assessments don’t provide the value you deserve. We all feel the pressure of complex, fast-paced environments. But a limited snapshot doesn’t always reveal what’s needed, or afford the organization time to address the situation. Especially when it comes to security.
So why do companies insist on cramming reviews into the shortest window possible?
30 Day Advantage
Jardine software believes that companies who want confidence in the security of their applications deserve the time it takes to do it right.
The rush to knock out an assessment quickly — typically in as little as five days — checks a box. But it doesn’t result in better outcomes. That’s because it doesn’t allow the time needed to really understand and assess the application in context.
We found a better way. We scope 30-day testing windows. And our clients love it!
A 30-day window allows better collaboration, flexibility to handle the things that come up, and better knowledge transfer. In most cases, our clients actually move forward faster – with more confidence and better results.
Security is worth taking time to get right. Interested?
Lets talk about the 30 Day Advantage
The Benefits
Better collaboration. Expanding the testing window improves collaboration between the testers, security, and the application teams. This allows for issues to be analyzed and understood, leading to better solutions.
Flexibility needed for better results. Sometimes the best of plans and intentions don’t work out. With a narrow window for testing, that often means moving important applications out of scope — at the last minute. Or delaying the project due to missing information. We know how business works. Our 30-day windows are hassle free and allow you to work at your pace.
Improved knowledge transfer. Typical reports provide information. We provide value through increased interaction and discussions to create a better learning relationship.